opera 10 alpha
opera 10 alpha
Opera Turbo, a browsing-on-steroids solution that will cover Opera Desktop, Opera Mobile and Opera Devices SDK. Opera Turbo, the browser maker argued, comes to respond to increasing mobility and on-the-go connectivity needs of end users, who are relying on wireless and mobile-Internet connections. For them Opera promises consistent gains in speed correlated with traffic compression. Opera Turbo will be made available as a server-side solution, and will not have a client-side component, functioning in tandem with the variants of the Opera browser.
Alpha version of Opera 10.
What's new:
Updated engine:
Opera Presto 2.2 is the newest rendering engine for the Opera browser. It provides significant improvements in speed, performance and security.
30% Faster on the real Web:
We optimized the Opera Presto 2.2 engine to be much faster on resource intensive pages such as Gmail and Facebook.
Great-looking standards:
With an Acid3 100/100 score, Web Fonts support, RGBA/HSLA color and SVG improvements, Opera 10 alpha is ready for the next generation of Web applications.
Inline spell-check:
Write freely in your Facebook wall, blog or Web mail. Opera 10 alpha underlines any misspelled words so you can express yourself without reservation.
Opera 10 alpha makes it easier than ever to stay up to date with the latest version.
E-mail your way:
Depending on your personality or mood, use full HTML formatting or just plain text in your e-mails. Either way Opera Mail has your back.
Known Issues:
Windows: Opening downloaded files in external application not working
معلومات عن البرنامج
يعتبر هذا البرنامج من افضل برامج
التصفح فى العالم حيث يتمتع البرنامج بسهولة والتميزة فى سرعة التصفح والبحث وكما ييسر لك التصفح الايميلات الخاصة بك
بكل سهولة ويسر وبالاضافة الى الشكل الانيق المتميز والعديد من
الامكانيات الجديدة التى ستجدونها
فى هذه النسخة المتقدمة وهى احدث اصدار من العملاق اوبرا
لغة البرنامج الاساسية الانجليزية
البرنامج منوافق مع ويندوز xp/2000/vista
اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم
مع اطيب التمنيات